Pay ADVANCE ENGLISH the sum detailed on your Offer letter and Performa Invoice . It does not cover accommodation or living expenses.
You must read and understand the ADVANCE ENGLISH vital policies and procedures before accepting this offer.
Once we receive the Advance English Acceptance of Offer form, if you require assistance in getting accommodation through a home stay arrangement, our Student Contact Officer will contact you by email. The Admission Office must receive related accommodation information required before expiry of this Offer Letter.
If you have changed your address from the mentioned address in your application form, please write your current contact address on this Acceptance of Offer form. Please note that if you have changed any of your contact details including your address, email, telephone or mobile phone number, you must inform our Student Contact Officer on +61 282142513, or by e-mail: info@advanceenglish.com.au prior to arrival.
Complete the “Acceptance of Offer” and sign it. Return it to the following email ID on or before the expiry date specified on the offer to confirm your place in the course.
The Admission Office, Advance English principal@advanceenglish.com.au
Following receipt of this offer, you will be issue with a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE), which will allow you to obtain/renew an Australian Student Visa.
If you have any difficulty in complying with the acceptance arrangements or have any concerns about any aspect of your further studies, your official contact person is our Student Contact Officer who is available to assist you. The AE Student Contact Officer can be contacted by telephone on +61 282142513, or by e-mail: info@advanceenglish.com.au prior to arrival.
OPTIONS OF PAYMENT OF FEE (Please note all payments must be made in Australian dollars)
Account name: Advance English Pty Ltd
Swift Code: CTBAAU2S
BSB: 062016 Account number: 10741851
Bank Name: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Enclose a copy of your invoice, or provide your student details, including the invoice number and your student ID number. Return it with a bank transfer details to Advance English. Please send it to:
The Admission Office, Advance English
All fees collected are to be paid into the nominated bank account of the College.
If money is sent by telegraphic transfer or it cannot be processed, the college cannot issue a receipt until the Student Acceptance form is received.
Include copies of all written agreements between us, the provider and yourself.
Deferral of Commencement, Suspension of Studies, Cancellation of Enrolment
If you want to defer or suspend your studies, then it must be done through a formal agreement with the
college, and only in certain circumstances. You are required to fill in the Request for Leave form. You must
arrange the leave before you stop coming to classes. Temporary time off your course will be allowed for
the following reasons:
compassionate or compelling circumstances (e.g. illness where a medical certificate states that the student cannot attend classes), or
compassionate grounds (e.g. death or illness of someone close to you)
if you are attending at least 70% and making satisfactory progress in your class work, and must have time off for compassionate or compelling circumstances as outlined above, then consideration will be made before reporting your attendance to DIAC.
Attendance Policy
Students must attend a minimum of 80% of their course in order to achieve satisfactory completion.
Attendance is checked on a weekly basis. Any student whose attendance falls below 90% overall, is habitually late, or is absent for 2 consecutive days without approval in any checked period without notifying the institute should be referred to the Academic Manager for follow-up action.
Follow up action consists of a series of letters advising the student of the seriousness of not attending and culmination in a report to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship under Advance English’s ESOS requirements
Students must maintain and understand:
the 80% attendance requirement
the consequences of not maintaining satisfactory attendance
the requirement to notify the college if they are sick
the need to provide a doctor’s certificate for two or more days absence due to illness
that they will be marked absent if more than 15 minutes late to a class.
that consideration will be given to those students whose attendance falls between 70% – 80% due to compassionate or compelling circumstances, if they are making satisfactory progress in their study.
Course Progress and Intervention Policy
Students at Advance English are monitored throughout their study. Teachers continually check student progress during their course to ensure that learners are reaching their desired learning outcomes. Teachers consider aspects such as a student’s attendance, attitude and willingness to participate, as well as their commitment to completing homework assignments, preparing and delivering oral presentations.
Students need to maintain a minimum overall course percentage in order to meet satisfactory course requirements. These benchmarks are below:
General English
Pass = < 60% in weekly assessments
Pass = < 50% overall in all assessments
Students who make insufficient progress will be monitored weekly throughout the course, and near the end of that course, students will be informed of their need to repeat the level if they have not achieved the required result. It is a requirement under the terms of the National Code (2018) that Advance English undertake an intervention strategy if a student has been identified as being at risk of failing to demonstrate satisfactory course progress
Student Complaints and Appeals Policy
If the student has a difficulty or complaint which they wish to discuss, they should first talk to their classroom teacher.
If this discussion does not satisfy the student, they then can talk to the Academic Manager.
If the Academic Manager is unable to help them with their difficulty or complaint, the student should request a meeting with the Principal Administrator of the college. If the student wishes, they can ask a friend to go with them for either language or moral support. At this stage in the grievance procedure, the student should complete a grievance form, this formalises their complaint. This procedure must begin within 10 working days of the lodgment of their grievance. Students are advised in writing of the outcome of their complaint and Advance English implements any decisions and/or corrective and preventative actions required. During this process, Advance English will maintain the student’s enrolment whilst the grievance process is ongoing (See National Code Standard 8).
External Appeal Process:
If Internal Appeal Process is unsuccessful, then students are able to approach Overseas Student Ombudsman service as External Appeal Process. Please visit www.oso.gov.au available for further information. The above process does not negate your rights to take action under Australia’s consumer protection laws in the case of financial disputes or to pursue other legal remedies.